solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinidad?

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Basically everywhere you go in Trinidad you will see either a Homeless or Vagrant person. Some are genuinely not in a position to do better for some reason or the other while others are suffering the effects of drug use. There also those who are mentally deranged and can even at times become violent.

The question here is this... What is the solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinidad?
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

dey better move on coz word on d street is ah next pick up exercise wat will happen to all ah dem in d police much ah we money dey go use to get dem off d streets again an again.......ah doh hav ah solution nah coz dey does come rite back!!!
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

Yep..vagrants is the new thing now yes everyone begging... but we cannot judge them but it have the homeless shelters why dont people put them there to be taken care off
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

Katrina said:
Yep..vagrants is the new thing now yes everyone begging... but we cannot judge them but it have the homeless shelters why dont people put them there to be taken care off

yeah cuz abuse is just nonexistent. but in all honesty I eh know nah, all I know is that I dont encourage it by giving them anything
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

some ah dem need to b put in carara island coz dey don't want to better dey self...some ah dey family their collect public assistance (money)an doh give dem lets hold the care takers or nominee responsible for dem an ensure d social worker do their job!!!
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

Some people especially Sociologists said that giving vagrants money or food stuff will allow them to have a dependency mind frame of only living off people and not helping themselves thinking that some one would always give them something..what you guys tihnk?
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

they depend on handouts yes,but most of them does get assistance from the government, as someone said, their family should be tracked down and held responsible in some way or be given an incentive to keep them at home, the community social worker don't do their work withing the community to know who went missing and all the names of the elderly from the health centers, everyone needs to do their job and don't turn a blind eye or turn away and pretend not to know
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

Let Obama visit. That seemed to fix the problem the last time.
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

Yep they will..many people judge vagrants but many do not know what medical condition they have to cause them to act that way and also as to how in the first place they became vagrants sooo please people just help donate clothes stuff or food if u can to shelters that help the vagrants or to themselves
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

A homeless man spent more than 24 hours locked inside a container on San Fernando Street, San Fernando, before he was freed by police yesterday. who identified himself as “Helicopter Persad”, crawled into the container to spend the night sometime on Tuesday evening the container belonged to a businessman
Police said the man climbed up the side of the container and went through a hole in the top. Sometime later, the businessman padlocked it without realising someone was inside. When “Helicopter Persad” woke up, he noticed the door locked and began to scream and cry for help. Customs and Excise officers investigated and called the police.
Police warned the man not to return to the container. They told him he could be charged with trespassing if he entered the container again
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

oh my god this is so funny yet sad at the same time. too unfortunate lol but i think he will learn his lesson now
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

Gov't to tackle PoS street dwellers next Tuesday, seeks 'two PoS facilities to accomodate street dwellers'....Lack of political will to deal with homelessness in T&T has led to a fresh generation of vagrants emerging on the nation’s streets
Dr L Trevor Grant, a social welfare specialist findings
86 per cent of homeless were males.
60 per cent Africans.
28 per cent mixed.
80 per cent primary school education.
16 per cent secondary.
76 per cent single.
10 per cent married.
34 per cent between the ages of 40 to 49.
34 per cent over 50 years.
Their problems ranged from drug addiction, mental illness, family problems, nowhere to live and lack of care by relatives however, Grant blamed poverty as a main contributing factor to homelessness. Interestingly, Grant said, 12 per cent of those interviewed were born outside of T&T, while 16 per cent had attained secondary school education.
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

Unfortunately there will always be some people with no houses. Government can create more housings for them, that is the only solution I can think of.
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

Some of them when put into institutions to help them they eventually leave and return to the streets . why?
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

I recently read an article where an ex-vagrant was released from the Piparo Reha Centre and was re-united with his family. So one success from out of the hundreds is admirable.
Re: solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinid

hey i read that too it was an amazing story